Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello from Swaziland!

Surprise! While we were not expecting to have internet access here at our home for the next few days, Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, we are happy to share our latest endeavors with you.

Sunday, we awoke early to help out at Amangwe Village's fundraising event, a Beauty Pageant/Muscle Man Competition. So cute! That afternoon, we presented a few of our projects to Amangwe and a local soccer team.

On Monday, we finished all of our individual and group projects, relaxed, cleaned, and spent our last precious moments with our friends, both young and old, at Amangwe. After dinner, we enjoyed s'mores, drumming, and dancing around a campfire.

Tuesday, we said our teary goodbyes and hit the road. After crossing the border into Swaziland and driving for many hours, we arrived here at Mlilwane. We've already seen lots of animals, visited a few markets, and spent time working on our final presentation for Yale. We're looking forward to a safari tomorrow and our last few days in southern Africa. We'll be in touch when we arrive at Yale.

And don't worry, all of the birthday celebrations (Abbie, Michele, and Addy) were/will be awesome!

Dan, Anna and the whole crew